先日、多数の未公開シーンを収録した開発映像が公開され、通しで最初から最後までプレイできるビルドの完成が近いと報じられたDouble Fineの期待作「Psychonauts 2」ですが、新たにティム・シェーファーが自身のTwitterを更新し、最後のダイアログを書き上げたことが明らかになりました。
Last week I wrote my final line of dialog for Psychonauts 2. I never remember to celebrate these things because there's always more work to do, but I want to say hey, that's cool. Now I should light a single cigarette like that guy in Misery and get my legs hobbled by Kathy Bates pic.twitter.com/maGKJzZuO3
— TimOfLegend (@TimOfLegend) January 12, 2021
And now this week we're having our final recording session for all characters, some of whom we first recorded for P1 in 2002! At the end of our final session with the amazing @itsuhrapp, the engineer pointed out that the last line we recorded for Lili was this. I almost lost it. pic.twitter.com/HeSN8F3lGw
— TimOfLegend (@TimOfLegend) January 13, 2021
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かたこり( Twitter ):洋ゲー大好きなおっさん。最新FPSから古典RPGまでそつなくこなします。
おこめ( Twitter ):メシが三度のメシより大好きなゲームあんまり知らないおこめ。洋ゲー勉強中。